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    « 2012 Rewind: On Culture, Strategy, and Talent | Main | Scrooging on Christmas Eve »

    Christmas Past - Can you tell all the Mad Men were men?

    Keeping up a little tradition on the blog here and sharing some vintage Christmas and holiday ads of days gone by - this time sharing a few examples that remind us how far we've come (let's hope).

    Nothing says you care like the gift of a household appliance:

    For the lady that needs to drop a not-so-subtle hint or two about what she'd like for Christmas: (that toaster looks sweet!)

    How did the menfolk figure out what to get for the wonderful women in their lives? Over some holiday whiskey of course! Nod nod, wink, wink - 'Well Carruthers, you sure have that Mrs. of yours in line!'

    And finally, once the gifts are exchanged and it's time to sit down to that fantastic Christmas family dinner men often had to worry that the cook would somehow botch up the meal. But at least she can't ruin the beer!  

    Am I right gentlemen?  Am I right?!?

    Ah yes, the good old days....

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas - full of fun, familycleaning, and trying not to drive each other crazy!

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    December 25, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteramix

    Thanks Amix.

    December 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterSteve

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