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    PREVIEW: My spot today at #SHRM13 on Systems of Engagement

    Shameless self-promotion alert...

    Today I will be presenting at the SHRM Annual Conference a new talk called From Transactions to Engagement: Harnessing Social Tools to Transform HR at 4:00PM CT in Room N228 (for folks who are reading this and might be at the Conference.

    And for both the people that might be at the event and come to the session, as well as anyone else interested in this kind of thing, I have posted the slides I will be using today here:


    Also the references, notes, and links for the slides are summarized in a document and posted here.


    The shift from HR technologies that are primarily developed to support process automation, accurate record-keeping, and to assist organizations remain in compliance to one where the majority of HR and workplace tools are centered around people, their connection to each other, and to the organization, and to create and innovate while in process, is certainly in its early stages. But it is a process and journey than many progressive organizations are taking and that is supported by a wide and growing range of amazing technologies.

    But I think this presentation is less about the specific technologies themselves, (although I will talk about quite a few of them and share some examples), and more about the changing expectations, challenges, and opportunities that social, collaborative, and mobile technologies are presenting to HR leaders today. Changing the focus and mindset of what workplace, HR, and talent management technologies have been traditionally used for, and unlocking the promise of what the new social and engagement-focuses tools are offering is what I want to emphasize today.

    So hopefully if you are at SHRM today, you will consider dropping in to the session. 

    And as a bonus - I have a bunch of HR Happy Hour T-shirts to give away to folks in the audience.

    See you at the session (hopefully some of you!)

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      Steve's HR Technology - Journal - PREVIEW: My spot today at #SHRM13 on Systems of Engagement
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      Steve's HR Technology - Journal - PREVIEW: My spot today at #SHRM13 on Systems of Engagement
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      Steve's HR Technology - Journal - PREVIEW: My spot today at #SHRM13 on Systems of Engagement
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