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The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have

Wow, that was a long post title. Sorry. The post won't be that long at all, trust me.

All I want you to do is look at two charts and then draw your own conclusions about the significance, if any.

The first, courtesy of the world's largest professional network, LinkedIn, who published some data they call 'The 25 Hottest Skills That Got People Hired in 2014', (from an analysis of member skills, employment changes, and recruiter interest on LinkedIn). 

Here is the chart:

Now for the second chart I'd like to bring to your attention, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics a look at the Top 10 occupations with the highest employment (dated from May 2013, so it is slightly older than the LinkedIn data, but it was the latest I could find after about 5 minutes of exhaustive research)

Here goes:

See any differences between what gets people hired, at least people on LinkedIn, and the kinds of jobs that are held by the largest numbers of people in the USA? These Top 10 occupations make up about 22% of overall US employment, in case you were wondering.

Wonder how far down on the BLS list (and you can check the full list of occupations as defined by the BLS here), you have to go before you run in to 'Statistical Analysis and Data Mining', the top 'hot' skill for 2014 as per LinkedIn. I will save you a click and let you know that all the occupations that the BLS rolls up into 'Computer and Mathematical Operations', (where most of LinkedIn's Top Hot skills would likely map), account for about 3.7M workers, that is just under 3% of all the jobs in the country.

Ok, since I said I was going to just show the charts and leave it up to you to think about, I better shut up.

Have a fantastic day. And don't spend so much time on LinkedIn.

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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The disconnect between the skills that get you hired and the jobs most workers have
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December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterhazshan
December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterhazshan
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