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    Steve's Holiday Gift Recommendation #6 - Take care of yourself too

    Wrapping up the Gift Recommendations series today not with a specific item or product, but rather a more basic, fundamental recommendation.

    Which is this - over this holiday season make sure to take care of yourself too.

    My guess is that you are like a lot of people I know - on the grind at work and maybe taking on more responsibilities this year while still having to balance your real life - family, kids, friends, and maybe even a little fun from time to time (if you have time).

    It seems almost everyone is busier than ever. 

    And while that can be, and often is, a blessing, it can also be a tremendous challenge.

    You put your job before you. You put your family before you. Maybe you even put the causes and groups you care about before you. Because that is what you do. And that is ok. But it can be, over time, really, really hard. And maybe even a little unhealthy. 

    You skip meals to work on that presentation for the CEO. You skip going to the gym to make sure you get the groceries for tomorrow's dinner. You get up at 5:30AM because your meetings and calls start at 7AM and that's the only time you have to fold the laundry. And you lay in bed at 11:45PM and like and comment and say nice things on social media on your family and friends posts and pictures. You're exhausted but you do it anyway.

    And you are amazing. Truly.

    And since you spend so much time putting everything and everyone else before you, my recommendation for this holiday season is to take some time, however much time you can find, (or need), for you and you only.

    Sleep in. Let someone else handle the car pool or the vacuuming. Order some takeout instead of cooking. And have it delivered, (GrubHub is awesome).

    Turn off your phone for a day or three. Or at least put it aside for a few hours. 

    Go to the movies, the gym, the salon or wherever it is you want to go and not be in someone else's service for a little while. Call a friend that you never seem to be able to find time for these days.

    Think about what you really want from 2018, personally and professionally. Or just think about nothing at all.

    But mostly, take some time to make sure you are taking care of you - physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally. 

    Because unless you take care of you, you won't be able to take care of all the people in your life who rely on you.

    You are amazing. Truly. You deserve it.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, thanks so much for reading. It means a lot to me.

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