From the Wikipedia page on Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957)
Perhaps one reason Sibelius has attracted both the praise and the ire of critics is that in each of his
Jean Sibelius is not hearing any of your crap. seven symphonies he approached the basic problems of form, tonality, and architecture in unique, individual ways. On the one hand, his symphonic (and tonal) creativity was novel, but others thought that music should be taking a different route. Sibelius's response to criticism was dismissive: "Pay no attention to what critics say. No statue has ever been put up to a critic."
You are either a creator or a critic.
Choose your side wisely my friends.
Have a great day!
Reader Comments (2)
There is a statue of movie critic Roger Ebert in his home town of Champaign, IL
I have little knowledge about him. I just read on Wikipedia yesterday. He is a great composer and widely regarded as his country's most splendid composer.
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