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    Entries in hr101 (1)


    The HR 101 E-Book

    Over at the Creative Chaos Consultant blog, the King of NYC, Victorio Milian has organized a great series of posts called the 'HR 101' series.

    These posts cover a wide range of business topics that HR professionals (and students) really need to become more familiar with and to develop a stronger understanding of to strengthen their skills, and to continue to make more significant impact in their organizations. 

    The series covers topics like Law, Finance, and Technology among others, and has been a collective project (led by Victorio) to provide a forum for various subject matter experts to share their knowledge.

    And better still, Victorio has assembled all the 'HR 101' contributions into a handy E-book that can be viewed and downloaded from his site.

    The E-book can be found here - 'The HR 101 E-Book'.

    I encourage you to check out the E-book and to share and distribute.

    Thanks Victorio for allowing me to participate in the project, and for all your hard work creating such a valuable resource.