New Year, New Beginnings
Folks that read this blog and listen to the HR Happy Hour show (hopefully) know that I don't particularly like writing or talking too much about myself.
I much prefer assessing and writing about HR technologies, evaluating workplace issues and trends, and having the guests on the show express themselves and share their insights. Flickr - Roche Photo
But for today, for this post, I am going to get a bit personal, and I apologize for the indulgence.
Starting today, I am now a part of the Knowledge Infusion family as Director of Products, Community & OnDemand Services.
Knowledge Infusion, I think, is the leading HR Technology consultancy, and I am thrilled and honored to have the opportunity to work with such a collection of talented people. I do plan on sharing more details as time goes on about some of the work I will be doing, it is both exciting and innovative in the technology consulting space, but for now I just want to express how grateful I am for the opportunity and I do want to say thanks to Jason Averbook and Jason Corsello.
For those that are interested, I do plan on continuing teaching the HR Technology Grad course at the Rochester Institute of Technology, as in many ways the development and delivery of that course has opened up so many doors for me, while also proving to be immensely challenging and satisfying.
This blog and the HR Happy Hour show will certainly continue, and I expect that they will both evolve, and hopefully improve over time. I think that the blog and the show both could use a bit of an injection of new ideas, and I anticipate the work I will be doing at KI will help in that regard.
So I thank you for the allowing me the indulgence of a purely selfish post, and I look forward to a exciting and productive 2010.