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Entries in off topic (27)


Off Topic - Urban Beekeeping

The coolest thing I saw on the internet this week was this short film from the Made By Hand project called 'The Beekeeper', a profile of Megan Paska, a Brooklyn, NY based local farmer and beekeeper. The short (less than 6 minutes) piece is a testament to not only the increasing focus on sustainable and accessible farming practices, but also a bit of an inspiring reminder of how great it is to find and be able to do the kind of work that you love.

Give it a look and let me know what you think! (email and RSS subscribers will need to click through)

You can learn more about the Made By Hand series at their website and also follow them on Twitter.

Have a Great Weekend!


Off Topic - This Is My Home

Do you ever get a little tired of reading about Human Resources, workplace concerns, technology, or Jeff Van Gundy?

Me too. 

So for a Friday let's go off topic. This is the most interesting thing I think I read or saw all week. A short film by filmmaker Marc Cerosimo titled 'This Is My Home', about a man who has created an interesting and unusual home in the middle of Manhattan. A place filled with antiques, treasures, and collectibles but also one that is much different than what is expected.

A kind of vintage shop where anyone is welcome to explore, but nothing is for sale. Unless...

Check out the film, (email and RSS subscribers will need to click through), it is about 6 minutes long and I think you can spare the time on a Friday.

This Is My Home from Mark on Vimeo.


So what did you think?

Have a Great Weekend!


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