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Entries in off topic (27)


Rob Lowes, Ranked

Your definitive ranking of DirectTV commercial Rob Lowes.

10. Far less attractive Rob Lowe

9. Scrawny arms Rob Lowe

8. Super creepy Rob Lowe

7. Rob Lowe (the normal one)

6. Peaked in high school Rob Lowe

5. St. Elmo's Fire Rob Lowe (I know that one has not been in the DirectTV spots, but he should be)

4. Painfully awkward Rob Lowe

3. Crazy hairy Rob Lowe

2. Overly paranoid Rob Lowe

1. Meathead Rob Lowe


OFF TOPIC: Basketball Shots, Ranked

There are many ways and methods by which one can direct the basketball into the basket.

Here is the ranking of many of these methods, from least interesting/appealing up to most awesome.

The Finger Roll

20. Basic layup

19. Reverse layup

18. Standard jumper

17. Corner three

16. Willis Reed's two buckets in Game 7 of the 1969-70 NBA Finals

15. Heave from 30+ feet to beat the buzzer

14. Basic dunk

13. Put-back slam dunk

12. Two-handed set shot (see Schayes, Dolph)

11. Underhand free throw (see Barry, Rick)

10. Catch-and-shoot 3-pointer (see Miller, Reggie)

9. Jump Hook (see McHale, Kevin)

8. Reverse pivot step-back jumper (see Sikma, Jack)

7. Alley Oop jam (see Griffin, Blake, (among many))

6. Fall back, baby (see Barnett, Dick)

5. Running two-hand dunk (see King, Bernard)

4. Teardrop (see Jackson, Mark)

3. Sky Hook (see Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem)

2. Mid-range bank shot (see Duncan, Tim)

1. The Finger Roll (see Gervin, George)

Note: The blog is taking the rest of the week off. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend and if you are not in the USA, well, pretend you are in the USA and take a few days off.


OFF TOPIC: More and Less

We Need More:

Really cool, interesting, and innovative ideas for work, workplaces and people (see Fuel50, BlackbookHR, Data Morphosis, BrandAmper, QUESocial, and Zenefits).

Simple and elegant approaches to solve complex questions.

Pumpkin donuts.

People who don't take themselves too seriously.


Walt 'Clyde' Frazier.

We Need Less:

Updates on your Fantasy Football team.

Emails sent at 11:49PM.

Details about your latest run, CrossFit Workout, or set of push-ups you did.  You do know you get the same benefit and burn the same number of calories even if you don't Tweet about your stupid workout, don't you?

War or combat analogies when talking about sports. 'That quarterback sure is a warrior down near the goal line.' 

Sports analogies when talking about business. 'This new marketing campaign is sure to be a home run with the target demographic.'

Telling us all how busy you are or how hard you are working.

Comparing yourself to the competition. Forget the competition. Most of the time the people/companies that you are worried about are just as amazingly paranoid and possibly dysfunctional as you. Don't worry about them. There is plenty of opportunity for everyone.

Tom Brady. I am so sick of Tom Brady. (I am a Jets fan).

Have a great weekend! 


OFF TOPIC: Classic toys, ranked

You know you have a favorite toy from the past, from your childhood, but is your favorite toy the BEST toy of all-time/forever? Read on and find out...

100 - 26 - (in no particular order) Wooden blocks, the duck that you pulled with a string thing, the vacuum-like toy that had a round plastic bubble full of little balls, Magic 8-ball, Erector Sets, frisbee, Lincoln Logs, and about 60 other fun for a few minutes but otherwise not that awesome toys

25. NERF football

24. Rock'em Sock'em Robots

23. Ken

22. Silly Putty

21. Slinky

20. Mr. Potato Head

19. Play-doh

18. Lite-Brite

17. Mattel Electronic Football, (the small, hand-held one where the players were just tiny green lines)

16. Transformers

15. G.I. Joe

14. Yo-Yo

13. View-Master

12. Etch-a-Sketch

11. Tonka (props to the classic yellow dump truck, but they were all pretty cool)

10. Barbie

9. SuperBall

8. Wiffle Ball

7. Rubik's Cube

6. Simon (original one with the red, blue, yellow, green lights)

5. Hot Wheels

4. Little plastic green Army Men


2. Star Wars Action Figures

1. Crayola Crayons


Off Topic: Store bought cookies, ranked

Your definitive ranking of store-bought cookies. And yes, I know that 'Home baked cookies are better!', that is not what this ranking is about.

Here goes:

99. Animal Crackers

98 - 16. Every other cookie that you have ever heard of

15. Lorna Doone

14. Famous Amos Chocolate Chip

13. Archway Oatmeal Raisin

12. Pecan Sandies

11. Teddy Grahams Honey

10. Fig Newtons

9. Nilla Wafers

8. Nutter Butter

7. Vienna Fingers

6. Chips Deluxe

5. Milano

4. Fudge Stripes

3. Oreo (original)

2. Oreo (Double Stuf)

1. Chips Ahoy (original)

Tell me where I'm wrong and have a great weekend!