The 3rd Annual Tim Sackett Day honors America's favorite sourcer - Kelly Dingee
First off - Happy Tim Sackett Day!
What the heck is Tim Sackett Day you might be wondering?
Let me take you back to a similar cold, windy, snowy January day just two years ago when a rag-tag band of Human Resources bloggers joined together to honor one of our own, one of the often unsung HR heroes, toiling in the trenches, working day-in and day-out to improve the workplace, one step at a time. The idea was to recognize and praise the type of HR, Talent, or Recruiting pro that all too often goes, well, unrecognized in an era where 'Look at me' sometimes trumps, 'See what I have accomplished.'
So in 2012 for the first and inaugrual Tim Sackett Day we honored, well duh, Tim Sackett.
And last year for the 2nd Annual Tim Sackett Day, the HR blognoscenti honored another great hero of mine, and one of the stalwarts in the world of motivation, incentives, and influence - none other than the amazing Paul Hebert.
And for the 3rd Annual Tim Sackett Day we recognize the great Kelly Dingee, aka, America's Favorite Sourcer!Hi Kelly!
You might know Kelly from her work over on the Fistful of Talent blog, where she regularly shares knowledge, strategies, new technologies, and her overall philosophy on all things candidate sourcing, engagement, and outreach. She might be the only contributor over at FOT that actually really and genuinely cares about sharing her ideas and helping the community to learn and get better at their jobs.
Here are just a few of Kelly's recent takes over at FOT that if you are at all concerned about raising the talent level at your shop, and come on, that has to be all of us, that you should check out:
Is Google+ ready to be our sourcing darling?
My 4 Sourcing Lessons from 2013
Cheap Training for Your Home Grown Sourcer
If you check out these posts, and the rest of the Kelly archive you will come away the better for it. You will have learned something new, been given a compelling reason to try a new strategy or technology, or simply have been challenged to think about what you are doing, and might should not be doing, in a new way.
But the message is delivered in an honest and straightforward way. And the advice is backed up by Kelly's own real-world experience. And that combination makes Kelly pretty rare these days, an HR/Talent influencer that is actually working on her craft, (and sharing her wisdom), with the rest of us.
Congrats to America's Favorite Sourcer on this much-sought after recognition on the 3rd Annual Tim Sackett Day!