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    « Preview - Episode 46 - 'Making Work/Life Work' | Main | Updates from Show HQ »

    Preview - Episode 45 - 'Social Recruiting, Sports, and Upside'

    Make that Tremendous Upside.

    Everywhere I look, I see upside Everywhere I look, I see upside

    This week on the HR Happy Hour show we will talk sports.  I know, I hear the collective groan from the audience.  Sports? Again?

    Well, yes.

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 45 - 'Social Recruiting, Sports, and Upside' - Thursday May 13, 2010 8PM EDT  - Call in 646-378-1086

    Sports are a perfect forum for the analysis, dissection, and perhaps even better understanding of all things talent.  From talent assessment in the form of scouting and drafting, to training and development in the college ranks and minor leagues, to dealing with the intricacies of team and organizational dynamics with stars, role players, ans the constant pressure of balancing team and individual goals, sports has everything an HR or Talent pro could ask for. Besides, what is more fun that a bunch of friends sitting around talking about sports?

    A guess a bunch of friends sitting around talking about sports in Las Vegas.  But we will get to that.

    We will also talk about the upcoming Social Recruiting Summit (a Summit? Sounds big-timey), set for May 17, 2010 in Minneapolis. Maybe while the boys are in Minny, they can get KG and Stephon reunited.

    Joining us will be Kris Dunn, the HR Capitalist and the Chair for the Social Recruiting Summit; Lance Haun, Community Director for ERE, Tim Sackett, writer at the Fistful of Talent and big shot in HR and Recruiting, and the Professor, Matt 'akaBruno' Stollak.

    It should be a fun show.

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