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    Preview - Episode 46 - 'Making Work/Life Work'

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 46 - 'Making Work/Life Work'

    Thursday May 20, 2010 8PM EDT

    Call in number - 646-378-1086

    It is one thing to talk about workplace flexibility, and quite another to design and implement flexible working strategies in organizations, and to measure their effectiveness and impact on the bottom line.

    Sure, most employees might prefer to work at home in their jammies, but does it make sense for the organization?

    While most of us would agree that more flexibility in the design of  jobs is desirable or 'better', often HR professionals have difficulty understanding how to design more flexible workplaces, to develop flexibility strategies that will work for the organization, and to even understand their important role in this area. Joining us will be Cali Yost, of the FlexStrategy Group and WorkLife Fit, Inc., writer at Fast Company, and an expert on workplace flexibility, to talk about how to move Work/Life from discussion to action, and how HR professionals can be better equipped to lead and support these important initiatives in their organizations.

    I hope you can join us for what should be an interesting and informative show where we try and take the Work/Life discussion beyond 'should' and get closer to 'how'.

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