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    Preview - #HRHappyHour Episode 135 - 'Simulation Learning'

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 135- 'Simulation Learning'

    Sponsored by Aquire

    Thursday February 9, 2012 - 8PM ET

    Call in 646-378-1086

    Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

    Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

    Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

    Simulation learning really isn’t new. Remember when you were a child and your favorite response was “I can do it myself!” You then proceeded to copy the actions of the person you found so interesting and so, learned how to accomplish a skill on your own, by doing.

    That thought process holds true today. Adults learn best by doing. We learn when we use skills, correctly or incorrectly. We learn when we make mistakes in attempting to solve a problem. We learn when we are faced with a challenge and must involve others in finding the best possible solution.

    Simulation learning provides an opportunity to use skills, to make mistakes, to involve others in a safe environment for achieving new abilities. We use real world situations, situations managers might encounter regularly in the work world. We add to those situations new situations that push an individual, that challenge a person, that encourage new ways of thinking.

    This week on the show we welcome Kaye Mahon, Partner at Leadership Action Centre, and an expert on simulation and experiential learning to talk about the benefits and opportunities of simulation learning, and how simulation learning can improve outcomes and company culture.

    It should be an interesting show, and I hope you can join us!

    It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!


    Preview - Episode 134 'How Technology Changes Work' - #HRHappyHour

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 134- 'How Technology Changes Work'

    Sponsored by Aquire

    Thursday February 2, 2012 - 8PM ET

    Call in 646-378-1086

    Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

    Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

    Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

    From recruitment and hiring to on-boarding, performance management and employee feedback, HR technology and the way organizations approach talent management are in for some big changes.

    Cloud computing, social networking and data integration are just a few of the mega trends reshaping the way we interact with information as well as each other.

    While there are risks for organizations that embrace these new technologies, the bigger risk just may be getting caught looking while your competitors pass you by.

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show we will be joined byPatrick Riley, CEO and co-founder of Modern Survey, a human capital measurement company to talk about how smart organizations and talent professionals are approaching the changing landscape.

    We'll talk about how work is going, where HR is heading, what technolgies are pushing these changes, and what the world of work might look like in 5 and 10 years.

    About Patrick Riley : In addition to co-founding Modern Survey and serving as the company's CEO, Patrick has spent nearly two decades in the field of employee measurement. His expertise has been tapped by media organizations such as Talent Management Magazine, the Star Tribune and National Public Radio.

    It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!


    Preview - Episode 133 'Big HR Ideas for 2012' - #HRHappyHour

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 133- 'Big HR Ideas for 2012'

    Sponsored by Aquire

    Thursday January 26, 2012 - 8PM ET

    Call in 646-378-1086

    Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

    Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

    Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

    Well 2012 is just getting started and we did not really do a ‘Preview’ type show on the HR Happy Hour - a wider or bigger picture view of the big ideas, trends, challenges, etc. that we see organizations and HR leaders having to deal with and address in 2012. For many organizations 2012 will be a pivotal year. As the US and other economies slowly inch out of the long economic downturn and move back into growth and hopefully hiring mode, leaders and HR professionals might find themselves in a kind of transition period, between the slashing, cutting, and paring down period of recent years to a new phase of opportunity and growth.

    Change, growth, and adoption of new technologies is never an easy process, and often a little slower than we might desire. The history of enterprise tech and HR Tech in particular tell an interesting story and provide some important lessons to HR leaders today. Having insight into the past helps us plan for the future.

    This week on the show I am pleased to welcome HR industry legend and HCM Fellow at Oracle Row Henson for a conversation about some of these big issues and challenges for HR leaders, as well as what HR leaders should be thinking about in 2012 and beyond.

    Row will lend her insight, perspective, and real world examples from the many leaders and organizations that she works with and supports, to talk about 2012, the big themes that we see impacting the Human Capital space, and what we think leading and innovative organizations will be doing to get a leg up on their competition.

    It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!


    #HRHappyHour Preview Episode 132 - 'Culture vs. Strategy'

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 132- 'Culture vs. Strategy'

    Sponsored by Aquire

    Thursday January 19, 2012 - 8PM ET

    Call in 646-378-1086

    Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

    Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

    Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

    This week on the show, the great Paul Hebert guest hosts and welcomes Derek Irvine, Vice President Client Strategy and Consulting for Globoforce, and author of 'Winning With a Culture of Recognition', for a look at how culture impacts organizational performance.

    Culture and culture management have had increased attention in the last few years as an important driver of employee engagement and company performance. This week on the show Paul and Derek will take a closer look at culture and discuss topics around -

    What is company culture?

    Can company culture be defined and managed?

    What is proactive culture management?

    Does culture really 'beat' strategy as we often hear?

    What companies really understand this and are doing a great job with culture management?

    Culture is always a lively topic on the show and this week I hope you can join Paul and Derek for what will surely be an interesting and informative show.

    It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!


    #HRHappyHour - Preview Episode 131 -'Office Politics'

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 131- 'Office Politics'

    Sponsored by Aquire

    Thursday January 5, 2012 - 8PM ET

    Call in 646-378-1086


    Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

    Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

    Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show we dive into the New Year, at least in the USA, thinking quite a bit about politics. The campaign for President is in full swing, debates, press conferences, and TV ads are everywhere, and certainly 2012 is shaping up to be a very interesting year.

    Do you care about the political campaigns? Do they impact your work in HR and effect your organizations? Do you stay away from talking about 'real' politics at work and keep the focus on office politics? Can we learn anything from savvy politicians to help us navigate our own careers?

    We will have open lines this week on the show to talk politics, office politics, and whatever else 2012 has in store for you, for HR, and in your careers.

    Joining me on the show will be special guest Trish McFarlane, from HR Ringleader andHRevolution who will also be updating us on what is happening with her projects and ventures, as well as offering some insight on HR leadership challenges for 2012.

    It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!