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EBOOK: The 8 Man Rotation: The 2012 Season

It's like Christmas in February for the HR pro/sports fan.

What am I talking about? Well, here goes.

I'm sure even if you are not a sports fan you are familiar with the annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Many years back, the big shots at SI concocted a scheme to try and goose sales of their weekly sports magazine in one of the most dead spots of the year in the sports calendar - February.

Their solution to try to boost sales in the period after football season had ended and before baseball season had started?

Pack the 'sports' magazine with images of bikini-clad models cavorting on exotic beaches. And it worked - the 'swimsuit' issue remains a top seller. Certainly, SI came up with a solid strategy that has served the magazine well for a long time.

Well, your pals from The 8 Man Rotation, Lance Haun, Tim Sackett, Kris Dunn, Steve Boese, and Matt Stollak are coming at you with our own contribution to help you navigate through the last few weeks of Winter - yes, it's the release of The 8 Man Rotation: A Look at Sports and HR - The 2012 Season!

The 8 Man Rotation 2012 Season Ebook is the third edition in what has become a February sports tradition on par with the legendary SI Swimsuit issue.

But the 8 Man Rotation offers something different, (not better I suppose, but certainly different), than models on the beach, it brings over 140 pages from the 8 Man Rotation gang, all about the intersection of HR, Talent Management, Recruiting, Leadership and sports.

Sports is the perfect metaphor for much of what we care about in HR and Talent - recruiting the right talent, coaching and performance management, coaxing the best results out of everyone on the team, dealing with 'superstar' talent and finding ways to balance talent, ego, ambition with team goals in order to achieve greatness. 

It's what sports are all about, and more or less, it's what HR and Talent pros also try to deliver for their organizations.

The fearless Matt 'akaBruno' Stollak has once again pored through a year's worth of posts from LanceHaun.com, The Tim Sackett Project, HR Capitalist, Steve's HR Tech, and his own True Faith HR to collect a fantastic compilation of posts on recruiting, development, strategy, and more - and all with the sports angle that fans of the prior editions of The 8 Man Rotation have come to expect. 

So head on over to The 8 Man Rotation site to check out and download your FREE Ebook - The 8 Man Rotation: A Look at Sports and HR, The 2012 Season.

And one more thing - you can catch The 8 Man Rotation gang LIVE on the HR Happy Hour Show this Thursday, Feb. 21 at 8:00PM ET, talking about all things 'Sports and HR'.

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