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    SLIDES: Big Trends in HR Technology for 2014 and Beyond

    I wanted to share the presentation slides from a Human Resource Executive Magazine webinar that I co-presented yesterday along with Trish McFarlane, VP of HR Practice, Principal Analyst from Brandon Hall Group.

    The title of the presentation is Big Trends in HR Technology 2014 and Beyond, and while often these kinds of 'trends' talks (including many that I have done the last year or two), tend to focus on 'trends' that are really just far-future kinds of speculation or are simply repeats of ideas that have been talked about for some time, Trish and I tried to keep the talk grounded more in research and the actual experiences of many of the leading organizations that will be part of the upcoming HR Technology Conference in October.

    You can check out the slides below, (here is the direct link in case the embedded slideshow does not render for you), and I will try and sum up at least a few of our key points below the deck.


    What were the high points, or keys that we shared on the webinar that we hoped would resonate with attendees? I will give you the Top 5.

    1. There are 3 dimensions for potential impact of HR tech - organizational, managerial, and individual - and the most successful HR tech projects resonate and add value at all 3 levels 

    2. The key organizational decision drivers for the replacement of HR technology vary depending on the type of HR tech. For Core HR systems, better integration is the primary driver. For talent management however, User Experience tops the list.

    3. Selecting the 'right' HR technology solution involves an analysis and balance of 5 factors: Cost/ROI, Technological fit, Cultural fit, system capability/roadmap, and complexity/UX.

    4. For both Core HR and for Talent Management tech, an increased demand for better integration across the HR systems footprint, as well as with other corporate systems is driving investment and the attention of corporate leaders. 

    5. We are not really talking as much about 'mobile' or 'social' as discrete concepts, but rather a more comprehensive idea of 'User Experience', at its many levels, will increasingly influence systems development, purchase decisions, and user adoption rates, (and therefore, ROI).

    There was plenty more to talk about, both in the slides and on the webinar, but I hope the 'Top 5' above gave you a little bit of a feel for what we discussed.

    Thanks to Human Resource Executive and to webinar sponsor Castlight Health for having Trish and I on the webinar.

    Happy Thursday!

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    Using technology presents great opportunities for improving employee engagement - for example, using a simple app allows to share feedback in real time and on the go, ensuring that all the team members stay on track and are rewarded for their effort.

    August 31, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

    This is an amazing and informative article that covers so much ground.

    October 17, 2023 | Unregistered Commentergorilla tag

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