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Sprinkles are for winners

Over the weekend during an extended period of extensive reading and research that keeps this blog full of interesting and provocative content, (I was mostly watching basketball on TV), I ran into this little beauty (video embedded below, email and RSS subscribers will need to click though), one of the latest in the long-running series of 'Flo' spots from Progressive Insurance. Watch the quick 30-second spot then some FREE comments from your humble correspondent.
I, like you too probably, was just about done with Flo, she has been seemingly telling us about how fantastic discount auto insurance can be for literally YEARS.


But with this little bit of wisdom, 'Spinkles are for winners', she is all the way back on Steve's 'approved' list.


Why is this spot perfect, and relevant too?
Because it reminds us that in life, sports, business, sales - whatever, that losing is sometimes the inevitable outcome. Sometimes the other guy/company/product/candidate is bringing is simply better than what you have to offer. And sometimes you just have to accept that.


But, and here is the key, you don't get a complete pass, or a do-over, even if the other guy really is better. You get an acknowledgement, sure, (if you are lucky), but you don't get many more chances probably, and you definitely don't get a prize.


You have to figure out a way to win, eventually, even when no one blames you for losing. 


Sprinkles are for winners, Jimmy.


Have a geat week!

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Reader Comments (5)

I appreciate the use of "Jimmy," when talking about sprinkles.

January 26, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterakaBruno

You caught that? Nice!

January 26, 2015 | Registered CommenterSteve

From a marketing perspective, I too, like this spot for much of the same reasons you mention. Good stuff.

January 27, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKaren Velasquez

thanks for sharing the article related to sprinkles

June 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGovtJobs Updates

Great info thanks for sharing

August 30, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterlatest ssc updates

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