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An incomplete list of things I don't understand

There is snow everywhere, I am still trying to find most of my stuff after a recent move, I have 879 HR Tech Conference speaking proposals to review (only a slight exaggeration), and I am heading out tomorrow for my first work trip of 2015. In short, I have no time/energy/good ideas for the blog today.

But carry on we must. Actually, we don't 'must', it just feels better to post something than not to post, so here goes something nothing. The first installment of what might become a semi-regular series titled 'An Incomplete List of Things I Don't Understand'. These things can be anything really, stuff that is really complex, things that are really popular and I don't get why, or just things I can't be bothered to figure out.

Feel free to add the things you don't understand, (including the point of this post), in the comments.

Here goes...

10. The tendency when one popular social platform is down, for people to immediately migrate to a different social network to report/moan/whine/joke about the first network being down. 

9. Taylor Swift. She might be great I guess. I don't really know.

8. Why many people think music should be 'free', and artists should just give it away or allow it to be taken for no compensation. Actually, that was Ms. Swift's issue recently too. Maybe I do understand her.

7. Why I get pitched 29 times each week to reprint someone's terrible infographic. 

6. 'Follow Friday'

5. Adults who think they need a 'Birthday month' or a 'Birthday week'. We were all, you know, actually born and have birthdays. You have not accomplished anything special here. Shut it about your stupid birthday already.

4. Carmelo Anthony bashing that is done primarily by 'experts' that read statistics and don't actually watch Knicks games. Have you seen this team? Who else do you want taking shots? 

3. Conference call PINs or Access codes that are actually longer than the dial-in number itself. Holy Hannah, we make cracking into someone's boring conference call harder than stealing their ATM pin number.

2. Life coaches

1. Stupid lists on the internet.

Have a great day!

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Reader Comments (4)

Lord how I hate the "birthday week"/"birthday month" crap.

January 27, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Schooling

One of the reasons I follow your blog is your knack for sharing your expertise without taking yourself too seriously. So, I suppose if I were to add to your list it would be-'Experts who can't convey knowledge without turning it into a dry lecture.' thanks, Steve!

January 27, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKaren Velasquez

Ouch about the birthday. ;)

I raised $1000 for charity by talking about mine. Hope I get a pass.

January 27, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterlfr

@Robin - Of course you are correct! And not just because you agree with me.

@Karen - Thanks!

@LFR - Raising cash for a good cause = great. Pass granted.

January 28, 2015 | Registered CommenterSteve

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