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« Wearable tech at work: Three lessons from the NBA | Main | #Nextchat with me today: The next 5 years in HR Tech - #HRTechConf »

What is your one wish for your ideal HR technology solution that you’d love to see created by 2020? #nextchat #HRTechConf

I had a great time guesting and participating on yesterday's #Nextchat Twitter chat that is put together each seek by the fantastic Mary Kaylor over at SHRM. Mary and the SHRM team have done an amazing job building a active, engaged, and large community of people with #Nextchat, and it is always fun to get to dive in with them.

If you missed the chat, there is an excellent summary of the conversation here. One point I thought it was worth teasing out, and particularly since the HR Technology Conference is starting in about 2 days, was the chat's final question, presented below:

What is your one wish for your ideal HR technology solution that you’d love to see created by 2020? #nextchat

The idea of this question was to try and get participants thinking about what tools or technologies would really help them get their jobs done more efficiently, enable them to unlock the potential of their workforces, better engage and retain their best people, or somehow just make HR and the organization 'better.'

It was a fun and speculative way to end what was a really interesting overall discussion about HR technology today.

Since I liked the question so much, (I did come up with it), and since HR Tech starts on Sunday and more than 300 HR technology solution providers will be exhibiting and they are the 'right' people to see the community response to a question like this, I am putting out the question one more time.

What is your one wish for your ideal HR technology solution that you’d love to see created by 2020? #nextchat #HRTechConf

I added the #HRTechConf Twitter hashtag to the question, (and to the blog post title above), since I know just about everyone involved in the Conference seems to be on the Twitter tag already.

I would love to see more folks chime in on the question in the run up to the Conference and even have some of our HR Tech Conference exhibiting companies jump in to the conversation as well. You can post your responses on Twitter or in the comments of this post.

It could be that the 'dream' HR technology you want to see by 2020 already exists, and there is a solution provider at HR Tech ready to show you.

Thanks again to Mary and the folks at #Nextchat. 

Hope to see lots of readers out at HR Tech!


Note for readers: I am heading out the Conference tomorrow, so posting will be extremely light, if non-existent for the next week. You will be fine.

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Reader Comments (2)

There’s a lot you still don’t know about this exciting sector. But, if you are like most, then it’s time to take the plunge and get more involved in this exciting new world. The advantages of doing so are endless, phoodle from increased job security and better business intelligence, to improved employee engagement and collaboration.

July 28, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterBillie34

If it's fair, I'll give my vote for airslate.com/bots/hubspot. because this platform ultimately saved my life. It is strongly encouraged for you!

September 26, 2023 | Unregistered Commenterseoexpert

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