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Steve's Holiday Gift Recommendation #3 - Sprinkles are for Winners

Almost two years back I riffed on the Progressive Insurance ad titled 'Sprinkles are for winners'. To save you some time and a click, I really liked (and still do) the spot.

Competition is hard. Trying is good. But there are winners and there are not-winners (losers), and in most forms of endeavor, the winners get the spoils and the sprinkles.

Here's the original Progressive adin case you need a reminder. Email and RSS subscribers will need to click through.

Pretty cool.

My affinity for the message and the ad is what brings you this weeks Holiday Gift Recommendation - a simple gray 'Sprinkles are for Winners' shirt courtesy of One 10 Threads.

Simple classic style, to the point, and available in men's, women's, and even tank styles, you will be the favorite uncle/aunt/brother/sister/cousin if you drop one of these beauties on someone who is on your holiday list.

I dig this shirt. You may see me in this soon.

Reminder - I have no affiliation and receive no compensation if you purchase any of the gift recommendation items.

Have a great weekend!

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