Wrap-Up - June 7 - 13, 2010
Another week another collection of posts! And as I look back on this past week of posts I thought, 'A Brady Bunch pic, really?' Good thing there is no editor on the site. palette of delacroix
I thought I would start posting each Sunday the summary of the week's posts in Tabbloid format. As you might recall from an earlier post, Tabbloid is a free service that lets you create a custom PDF format 'newspaper' from your selected blogs and other sites RSS feeds, and have that newspaper delivered via email on whatever schedule you choose.
Here is this week's collection of posts, in handy PDF format - Steve's Blog : June 7-13, 2010.
I hope making content accessible in this way is a help to someone out there, I will continue to post these collections on Sundays for the time being. I hope that if you find them useful, or actually download the PDF and give/send it to someone that otherwise would have never seen these posts, you would take a second and let me know in the comments.
This is one way to try to break out of the echo chamber, but it is certainly not the only way, and if you have other and better thoughts on how to do this, I would love to hear them.
Some other highlights from all the great posts and articles I read this week that I recommend:
HR Exposed: Put Some Pants On - Kathy Rapp writing at the Fistful of Talent reminds us all that getting in the game is still an issue for some in HR
Searching for Soul - from the always solid Brains on Fire blog, a call to think less about technology, tactics, and products, and more about people
Rising Together - from Lisa Rosendahl writing at the new Women of HR site. Breaking glass ceilings one at a time - awesome.
When You Use Bad Stock Photography You Make Baby Jesus Cry - from Frank Roche at KnowHR. HR Technology vendors are often guilty of his on their websites. Use some real people!
Charles Barkley says what we're all thinking about MJ's mustache - from Ball Don't Lie - some really funny comments from Sir Charles on MJ's shaky decisions with facial hair.
Thanks for stopping by this week and have a fantastic upcoming week as well!