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    Preview - Episode 68 - The Career Summit

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 68 - 'The Career Summit'

    Thursday October 7, 2010 - 8PM ET

    Listen Live at - the show page here, using the widget below, or by calling in to 646-378-1086

    This week on the HR Happy Hour show we welcome New Media Services founders Mark Stelzner and Laurie Ruettimann to discuss their innovative and ambitious 'Career Summit' event, set for October 26 - November 17, 2010.

    What is a career summit? It’s like a career management conference and an online course, rolled into one. Mark and Laurie have teamed up with a slew of leading career, recruiting, and entrepreneurial experts to offer a unique and interactive experience for job seekers, folks looking to make a move in their careers, and people interested in perhaps discovering their next steps.

    On the show Mark and Laurie will be joined by several of the great Career Summit speakers and presenters who will talk about the event, their interests and passions, and give us a taste of what is to come during the summit.

    I hope you can join us for an informative and interactive hour, all about you and your career.

    Coming Attractions

    The next few weeks on the HR Happy Hour show are shaping up to be busy, fun, and interesting.  Here is the tentative schedule so you can get busy canceling your plans,  re-scheduling kids events and activities, and otherwise freeing yourself up on Thursday nights.hhh

    Thursday September 30 - 8PM ET - 'Live from the HR Technology Conference' - The HR Happy Hour show makes its triumphant return to Chicago for a live broadcast from the site of the HR Technology Conference.  Fun, free drinks, surprise guests - this will be  a wild show for sure.

    Thursday October 7 - 8PM ET - 'The Career Summit Show' - in conjunction with the upcoming Career Summit, we will be joined by some of the career experts slated to present at the innovative Career Summit, an online event for job seekers and others interested in progressing their careers.

    Monday October 11  - Time TBD - - 'HR Southwest - Day 1' - The HR Happy Hour show is back on the road, with the first of two shows from the HR Southwest Conference in Texas. We'll talk with some of the presenters the major themes from Day 1 of the event, and their take on some of the pressing issues in HR and the workplace.

    Tuesday October 12 - Time TBD - 'HR Southwest - Day 2' - The second day of coverage from HR Southwest.  More of the same (and hopefully some good BBQ). Check back for times and details later in the week.

    Thursday October 14 - 8PM ET - 'Ladies Night' - The energetic 'Women of HR' return to the HR Happy Hour for an hour of lively discussion from the fantastic crew of writers and professionals from the Women of HR community.

    Thursday October 21 - 8PM ET - 'FOT Radio' - In another return appearance, we will welcome Fistful of Talent Radio back to the show.  You know the Fistful of Talent as one of the best blogs in the Talent/HR space, tune in to hear some of the great FOT team wax philosophical on all things talent.

    Thursday October 28 - 8PM ET - 'HR Horror Stories II' - in the sequel to last year's crazy show,  (listen back here), we invite listeners to call in and share their wildest HR and workplace stories.  Inappropriate activity, illegal antics, normally NSFW tales?  All are welcome this week.

    That is what we have in the hopper for the next few weeks on the show.  As always we love suggestions and feedback for future topics and guests. You can leave comments here,  send us a tweet using the #HRHappyHour tag, or find us on  Twitter,  LinkedIn, or Facebook too.

    Preview - Episode 66 - 'Wrestling with Wellness'

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 66 - 'Wrestling with Wellness'

    Thursday September 23, 2010 - 8PM EDT - Call in 646-378-1086

    Subtitle - 'It is quite possible you are too fat to work here'.

    You can't swing a cat around the office these days without coming up against some corporate wellness type initiatives.

    Whether it is Sally in Accounting handing you a pedometer, a company sponsored Weight Watchers meeting (oddly they are always at lunch time), or the benefits team trying to convince, cajole, or badger you into quitting smoking, twinkies, or sitting on your butt all week.  Wellness in the workplace is a fact of life for many of us now, and for the folks in the organization responsible for keeping the company's benefits costs under control, it is really a serious matter.

    But wellness at work is kind of a contradictory concept. We want folks to work like dogs, put in extra hours, fuel up on caffeine to keep going, and often engage in lots of behaviors that are not all the 'well'.  And the idea of an employer monitoring your habits, diet, and really personal affairs does not sit well with many employees.  The last thing we want is for the company or employees to turn into the diet police at work.  But health care costs spiral out of control, and orgs can't continue to bear these increases (and neither can employees).

    So where is the happy medium between 'big brother' monitoring and thoughtful, successful, and enlightened wellness programs?

    I am not sure, so this week Fran Melmed, Tanya Barham, and Greg Matthews will join us on the show to wrestle with wellness.  I hope you can join us.

    Preview - Episode 65 - 'Tomorrow's HR Today'

    Wow, we have been slack updating this site.

    Can't be helped, let's just move forward.MissChiquita

    This week on the big show, Thursday September 16, at 8PM EDT we will welcome Leighanne Levensaler from Workday, and Jennifer Fitzpatrick from Chiquita Brands to talk about 'Tomorrow's HR Today'.  You can listen to the show from the BlogTalkRadio show page here, using the embedded widget below, or by calling in to 646-378-1086.

    What is the future of the HR function?

    What are the essential skills and capabilities that HR leaders need tomorrow?

    How can HR lead change, alignment, engagement (and lots of other cool things)?

    Heady stuff,  but if anyone can help us find some of these answers, or at least point out which direction to head, it is Leighanne and Jennifer.

    This will be a big, fun, interesting, and fun (yes, I said fun twice), show.

    I hope you can join us.

    Happiness from HR Florida

    This weekend the HR Happy Hour show will be heading to sunny Orlando, Florida to attend and participate in the HR Florida State Conference and Expo.

    This is a huge event for HR professionals and since the HR Happy Hour show has to be where the action is, we will be there providing our ownnewmedia_vohr_nav brand of insight, analysis, and amusement.  We are partnering with our friends Mark Stelzner and Laurie Ruettimann from Voice of HR to do two live shows from the event.

    Here is the schedule for the special HR Happy Hour shows from HR Florida:

    Monday August 30, 2010 -  1:00 PM EDT — The World According to Tincup’ with guest William Tincup

    Tuesday August 31, 2010 1:00 PM EDT  — Leadership and Engagement’ with guest Cathy Martin

    Yes,  I know that one o'clock in the afternoon is not technically 'Happy Hour', at least not in the US, but what the heck, summer is winding down, you may as well kick back, break out a beverage, and listen to the shows.

    If you are attending the HR Florida conference, make sure to stop by the Voice of HR booth to say hello.