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#HRHappyHour LIVE Tonight - 'HR and Health Care Reform'

Now that 2013 is in full swing, your thoughts as an HR and Talent Pro can only be turning to one thing - Health Care Reform!

I kid, but only a little.  Whether you call it Obamacare, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or just Health Care Reform, chances are it will impact your organization and your employees in 2013, and it might be equally likely you don't really know enough of what you need to know about these changes.

Well my friends, as you start your 2013 HR and Talent trip into the forest of Health Care Reform, you are not alone. The HR Happy Hour Show is back with you as well, with our latest live show of 2013, tonight, Thursday January 17th at 8:00PM ET.

You can listen to the show live tonight at 8:00PM on the show page here - on the listener line 646-378-1086, or on the widget player below. Also, you can participate on the show backchannel on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour.

Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio



And, if for some reason you miss the show live, you can always catch the replay on the show page, or on iTunes - just search the podcasts section for 'HR Happy Hour.'

Joining us to talk the about the upcoming changes and challenges presented by Health Care Reform will be returning guest and friend of the show Jennifer Benz, CEO of Benz Communications; and John Barkett of Extend Health, and one of the original authors and implementers of the legislation that became known as Obamacare.

And of course riding shotgun with me will be the HR Ringleader herself, HR executive Trish McFarlane.  

We will be taking about and taking your calls on:

What are the most important aspects of HCR that you as an HR pro need to know?

How does HCR and its implications and demands differ across company size?

What key communications messages and strategies do you need to consider when keeping your employees informed?

What does the medium and longer term look like in the world of employer-sponsored benefits?

Where can the HR and Talent pro go to learn more?

These questions and more will be answered on the next episode of the HR Happy Hour Show - LIVE tonight at 8:00PM.

I hope you can join us tonight, it should be a fun and informative show!

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