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#HRHappyHour LIVE Tonight - 'The 8 Man Rotation - Season 3'

On Tuesday of this week The 8 Man Rotation gang - Matt 'akaBruno' Stollak, Kris Dunn, Tim Sackett, Lance Haun, and I released our third annual free Ebook on the intersection of 'Sports and HR'.

Titled simply 'The 8 Man Rotation: A Look at Sports and HR, The 2012 Season' - the Ebook is a collection of over 60 sports-themed blog posts and articles from 2012 (up from 45 in 2011), and registering about 150 pages of goodness.

So while The 8 Man Rotation Ebook has become an annual tradition, (and an institution of sorts in the HR space), so too has the 8 Man Rotation's annual appearance on the HR Happy Hour Show to celebrate the Ebook launch - and to talk about all things 'Sports and HR'.

And so as it should be, as it must be, The 8 Man Rotation is back LIVE on the HR Happy Hour Show tonight, February 21, 2013 at 8:00PM ET.

You can catch the show in a few different ways - listen to the live stream starting at 8:00PM ET on the show page here, or using the widget player embedded below:

Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio


You can also listen via the call-in listener line - 646-378-1086, (if you are brave you can even join the fun).

After the show, you can access the replay anytime from the show page, or from the Apple iTunes store - just search for 'HR Happy Hour' in the podcasts area and download the show for free to your iDevice.

I know it will be a fun show tonight - even if you are not a huge sports fan I think there will be some insights on how sports and HR and talent and recruiting and work are all interrelated that you will find interesting.

I hope you can join me, co-host Trish McFarlane, and The 8 Man Rotation tonight!

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