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Job Titles of the Future #8 - 20 Jobs to Pick From

My friend Raluca shared the below Slideshare presentation with me, a really fun look at a topic that I have also had some fun with here on the blog, of course I am talking about Job Titles of the Future.

In the presentation, (embedded below, Email and RSS subscribers may need to click through), the folks at advertising and marketing firm Sparks and Honey offer up their take on how trends in technology and society are conspiring to create a new set of opportunities, i.e., jobs of the future that don't exist right now.

Take a look through the slides and I will have a couple of comments after the jump:


Pretty cool, right?

Of the 20 jobs of the future I think my top choices for most interesting and/or most likely to pan out in some kind of material way have to be 'Corporate Disorganizer', (a kind of nod to all the hubbub going on about the Holacracy stuff), 'Alternative Currency Speculator', (any time a new market forms there are always going to be speculators. And I love the movie 'Trading Places.'), and also 'Digital Death Manager', (a little macabre but I think on the money. Just what does happen to your Facebook or Twitter accounts if you pass away?).

Anyway, it is an interesting take with some ideas about what the future might hold. With the world of work changing every day, it pays to at least to attempt to stay on top of where the next year's and decade's opportunities are going to lie.

Have a great weekend!

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Reader Comments (1)

Very interesting and thought-provoking. Re the Digital Death Manager - a friend of mine died about six years ago. Her personal accounts still exist and it's downright creepy at times, such as when I get notices from Linked In suggesting that I connect with her because we have so many 'associates in common'. I'm not sure that's a job of the future - to me it's needed now and has been for quite a few years.

January 12, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterFreddye Silverman

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