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    « PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 377 - Building a Resonant Organization - Live from HR Tech China | Main | PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 375 - Developing the Talent You Already Have »

    PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 376 - HR and Digital Transformation - Live from HR Tech China

    HR Happy Hour 376 - HR and Digital Transformation - Live from HR Tech China

    Host: Steve Boese

    Guest: Jason Averbook, CEO and Founder, LeapGen

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    Listen HERE

    On the first of a special three show series recorded LIVE at the recent HR Tech China Conference in Shanghai, Steve is joined by Jason Averbook, CEO and Founder of LeapGen and intrernational speaker, advisor, and HR Tech though leader. On the show, Jason shared some of the key highlights and themes of his recent presentations in China as well as at the HR Festival in Singapore all about HR Transformation, Digital Transformation, and the way forward for HR and HR tech professionals.

    Jason talked about the importance of employee-centered approached to HR tech design and deployment, how 'technology' does not equal 'digital' and offered some advice as to how to best prepare HR and the organization overall for change and for digital transformation.

    You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

    This was a fun and interesting conversation - thanks so much to Jason for joining us. And also thanks to LRP and DLG China for having the HR Happy Hour Show in Shanghai. 

    Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.

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    March 1, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterDoodle Jump

    On the programme, Jason discussed some of the important themes and highlights from recent talks he gave about HR Transformation, Digital Transformation, and the Future of HR and HR Tech Professionals in China and at the HR Festival in Singapore.

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