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    « PODCAST: HR Happy Hour 416 - HR Happy Hour LIVE: What Matters Now for HR Leaders | Main | PODCAST: HR Happy Hour 414 - Rethinking Workforce Planning for the New World of Work »

    PODCAST: HR Happy Hour 415 - Addressing Coronavirus in the Workplace

    HR Happy Hour 415 - Addressing Coronavirus in the Workplace

    Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

    The HR Happy Hour show is sponsored by Paychex. Paychex makes it simple for businesses of all sizes to pay and manage their employees. They make payroll easy and automatic and they handle benefits programs. Paychex guides businesses through their human resources challenges by keeping them up to date with ever-changing laws and regulations. Online and mobile. Over the phone. In-person. Or any combination of the above. With Paychex, they work with you the way you want to work. Learn more at paychex.com


    Today on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish talked about the most pressing issue facing HR leaders, organizations, and the workplace right now - the Coronavirus outbreak. We talked about some of the challenges facing HR and workplace leaders when dealing with the Coronavirus, the importance of increasing communication and being transparent with employees as this situation develops, and discussed how the disease is directly impacting organizations of all kinds.

    In such a fast-moving and uncertain situation, HR has to make sure they remain deeply informed of the latest developments, understand how to prepare for more large scale remote and work from home scenarios, and to think about how individual employees and even their families may be affected. We also shared some of our own observations on the crisis, making decisions around events and business travel, and how to make sure that we remain safe while also making sure we can support our clients and partners.

    You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

    This is such an important topic, we hope we helped you shape some of your thinking and planning for your teams.

    Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour wherever you get your podcasts.

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