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    Entries in FOT (31)


    WEBINAR : Social Recruiting MacGyver-Style

    MacGyver is probably the coolest TV-hero ever.  He is cooler than you could ever dream of being even if you only dreamed of being MacGyver.

    He could make a cannon from a old microscope, turn a bedframe into a catapult, and do just about anything else with s Swiss Army knife and some duct tape.

    Smart, agile, resourceful - and able to rock a mullet as good as anyone before or since. Possessor of many of the qualities of my friends from Fistful of Talent, Kris Dunn and Tim Sackett.

    Why the clumsy transition from the legendary MacGyver to KD and Sackett, who are also legendary, but for slightly different reasons?

    Because next Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 1:00PM ET, Kris and Timmy, (and possibly Pete Thornton), are presenting a Fistful of Talent Webinar titled - Social Recruiting MacGyver Style! (How to Recruit via Facebook).

    Here's what you need to know:

    Tim Sackett and Kris Dunn are teaming up to present the next Fistful of Talent Webinar: Social Recruiting MacGyver Style! No Money, a Paperclip and Facebook – all a Real HR Pro Needs to Recruit. (Sponsored by the good people at  Branchout)

    Join KD and Tim on February 2, 2012 for this one-hour webinar and they’ll hit you with the following Facebook-centric items: 

    • Where is social recruiting heading, and why do you need to care as the HR rep of your organization?
    • How a 1-2 person shop can compete in social recruiting (with no money, a paper clip and Facebook…)      
    • How to use rarely understood tools like Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Pay-Per-Click Ads to drive Facebook candidates to your open positions
    • How to use Facebook search features to locate candidates on Facebook and contact them without looking like a stalker

    Register today and the fine folks at Fistful of Talent will send you a special FOT toolkit – “How to Find and Contact Candidates on Facebook without Looking Like a Stalker”, once the webinar is complete.

    Everyone knows that whatever the future holds for recruiting, that Facebook, the largest social network with it's soon to have one billion profiles, is almost certainly going to play a part in most organizations talent strategies. I've written about the subject here as well, and on the webcast KD and Tim, (along with the experts from BranchOut), will help to prepare you for what could very well be the next frontier in the talent game.

    I encourage anyone in the recruiting and talent space to sign up for the webcast. The FOT gang guarantees your 100% satisfaction, 60% of the time.

    And we can also have fun live tweeting and making fun of Tim. 


    Check out the new and improved Fistful of Talent

    For the last couple of years I have been a contributor on the outstanding blog Fistful of Talent. Last week Fistful re-launched with a fantastic new design and layout that does a great job of highlighting the contributions from the superb team of writers.Fight!

    Today on FOT, my friend R.J. Morris takes on one of my favorite topics - how relentless technological progress, increased automation, and improving robotics are pressuring the workforce, even in so-called 'creative' fields of endeavor. Check out R.J.'s post, 'What HR Jobs are at Risk', as well as the rest of the new Fistful of Talent, you will be glad you did.

    Thanks R.J. for the mention today, and thanks to everyone at FOT for the work you all do and for allowing me to play along too.


    #SHRM11, TLNT, HRevolution, FOT, and Nirvana

    Tomorrow I am heading out to the SHRM 2011 Annual Conference & Exposition in Las Vegas, the first time for me attending the big annual SHRM extravaganza.  While I am there I'll be spending time with my friends Laurie RuettimannChina Gorman , and Terry Starr from Dice as part of Dice.com's event programming. You can learn more about what Laurie, China, and I will be doing, and see our schedules for Dice's booth #2616 here. Dice.com is the leading careers site for Technology professionals and for the companies looking for them, and it is 100% true that the best job I ever had I found on Dice.com.

    And also out at SHRM I'll be joining the crew from TLNT.com for the debut of TLNT Radio, broadcasting live from the SHRM Social Media Lounge on Tuesday June 28th at 2PM ET / 11AM PT. Lance Haun and John Hollon from TLNT will be on board, and we have a great lineup of guests slated to join us for the first show.  You can learn more about the show on TLNT.com and listen live next Tuesday on the show page here.

    And don't forget that tickets for the next HRevolution event, this one taking place in Las Vegas on October 2, 2011, are on sale here. The early discounted tickets are all gone, but there is still time for you to be a part of the most exciting event happening in the HR space today.

    Register for HRevolution - Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV  on Eventbrite

    Also, today is my turn on Fistful of Talent, with a take on change, electric cars, and anxiety - Range and Change Anxiety: Electric Cars Are More Like Your Company Than You Think..... I'd love for you to give it a read and let me know what you think.

    And last thing, the 'Nirvana' in the post title is in recognition that this coming September marks the 20th anniversary of Nivana's essential album 'Nevermind', and this week the band's label Universal, announced plans to celebrate with a bonus-packed reissue. Nothing like the 20th anniversary of a seminal album to make you feel old. Maybe grabbing up the 'bonus-packed' reissue will help you relive some of that teen spirit yourself (email and rss subscribers click through)

    Have a great weekend and if you'll be at SHRM National please come by the Dice.com Booth #2616 and say hello.


    You want to crown them?

    This week I posted my first piece over at the Fistful of Talent blog as a regular contributor - although I don't see my little badge on there yet, what is up with that KD?

    The crew at the Fistful of Talent publishes a quarterly review of their Top 25 Talent Management Blog Power Rankings, the latest version of which was posted today.  If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking out all the great blogs that made the cut and adding them to your regular HR and Talent reading lists.

    To help you out, I set up this Google Reader shared bundle of the FOT Top 25 Talent Management Blogs that you can easily add to your reader.  You will notice that the bundle actually contains 28 blogs, I included the Fistful of Talent feed, FOT founder Kris Dunn's HR Capitalist feed,  and mine as well.  As a former member of the Top 25, and for the last hour I spent creating the bundle and writing this post, I felt entitled. 

    Use the 'subscribe' button on the box below to easily add all these great blogs to your reader at once.

    One final note, while it is really cool to be named on a list like this one, it is at best a fleeting honor.  I hope that we don't get too caught up in these lists, we continue to see them as fun and informational, and we try to use them to get more folks outside the bubble involved.

    On that note, I close with the clip I immediately think about when I consider awards and 'crowning' anyone or anything. I give you the remarkable Denny Green:




    Carnivals, Star Wars, and Happy Hours

    Just some quick updates and links for a Wednesday:

    First - Over at UpstartHR, Ben Eubanks has put together the HRevolution 2010 themed Carnival of HR. Need to catch up on all the post-event recaps, reviews, and action plans?  That is the place to start.

    Second - I have a post up over at Fistful of Talent today, 'Clinging to What We Know, the Jar Jar Binks Theory' .  It is not just about Star Wars. Not totally anyway.

    Third - The HR Happy Hour show will be live tomorrow night, May 20, at 8PM EDT.  Our guest for the 'Making Work/Life Work' show will be Cali Yost of the FlexStrategy Group and WorkLife Fit, Inc., and writer at Fast Company.

    That's it!