#HRHappyHour Tonight - 'The 8 Man Rotation NBA Preview'
This week the HR Happy Hour Show is back live - and we are back with my favorite show of the year - the Annual NBA Season Preview brought to you by your friends from The 8 Man Rotation.
You know you love sports, you love the NBA, and you love nothing better than five frustrated short (except for KD), white dudes talk about basketball.
Here are the details you need to know to catch the show tonight, and hopefully join in on the fun:
Thursday November 8, 2012 - 8:00PM ET
Sponsored by Aquire
Call in on 646-378-1086
Follow the backchannel onTwitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour
You can listen live on the show page here - also on the widget player below (email and RSS subscribers click through)
Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio
Not familiar with The 8 Man Rotation?
The 8 Man Rotation are your pals in the HR/Talent/Recruiting world that are just a little too obsessed with sports, pop culture, and trying to convince you that you can understand work, talent, HR, and the world in general by seeing things through the lens of sports, movies, hip-hop, and comic books.
This week on the show some or all of The 8 Man Rotation - Kris Dunn, Tim Sackett, Lance Haun, Matt 'akaBruno' Stollak, and Steve Boese will be in the house to talk NBA, and maybe sprinkle in some politics, movies, TV, and music as well.
We also plan on talking politics, the election, whether or not a new set of Star Wars movies makes sense and more.
I hope you can join us for what should be a fun and entertaining show!
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