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PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 262 - The HR Technology Conference Recap #HRTechConf

HR Happy Hour 262 - The HR Technology Confrence Recap #HRTechConf

Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

Recorded October 12, 2016

Listen to the show HERE

The 19th Annual HR Technology Conference concluded last week, and on this episode of the HR Happy Hour Show, HR Tech Program Chair Steve Boese, and H3 HR Advisors CEO, and Conference speaker Trish McFarlane review some of the memorable sessions of the Conference, talk about some of the key themes and trends from the event, and talk about some of the key takeaways for HR and business leaders.

Steve and Trish cover some of the Conference's highlights, including the first ever Women in HR Tech Summit, the first 'Discovering the Next Great HR Technology Company' competition, the All-Star CHRO panel led by moderator Soledad O'Brien, the 2nd Annual HR Tech Hackathon, (and Hacklab), and what is always an attendee favorite - the Ideas and Innovators 'Ignite' presentations.

Plus, we talk about some of the innovations from the Expo floor, the continued importance of 'core' HR technologies like Payroll and Benefits, and the fact that the show probably needs some new intro and outro music.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or by using the widget player below, (Email and RSS subscribers will need to click through)


The HR Technology Conference was outstanding as always, and whether you were able to attend or not, we think you'll find this review informative and fun.

Many thanks to our HR Happy Hour Show sponsor Virgin Pulse - learn more about them at www.virginpulse.com.

And remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or your favorite podcast app - just search for 'HR Happy Hour' to subscribe and never miss a show.

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