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    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 281 - Live at Oracle HCM World 2017

    HR Happy Hour 281 - Live at Oracle HCM World 2017

    Host: Steve Boese

    Guests: Chris Kiessling, Royal Farms; Yamini Namasivayam, SRI International

    Recorded at Oracle HCM World 2017, Boston, MA

    Listen HERE

    This week on a special episode of the HR Happy Hour Show, host Steve Boese reports from Oracle HCM World 2017 in Boston, and interviews two Oracle customers about their HR and HR tech transformations. First, Chris Kiessling from Royal Farms, a midsize chain of convenience stores in the Mid-Atlantic region talked about the challenges and opportunities that come with modernizing HR systems and processes to support their high-volume, high-turnover business, and set up the company for future growth. Then, Steve was joined by Yamini Namasivayam of SRI International, a high-tech firm that operates in a number of specialty domains. SRI too was faced with modernizing an aging set of HR tools - with the fundamental goal of turning HR technology into strategic and business advantage and driving revenue growth.

    Both these stories were interesting as they help show how HR and HRIT leaders in the real world are generating value from investments in HR technology. 

    You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or by using the widget player below:

    Thanks to Chris and Yamini for joining the show and thanks to Oracle for having the HR Happy Hour Show at HCM World.

    And thanks to the HR Happy Hour Sponsor Virgin Pulse - learn more at www.virginpulse.com.

    Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts - just search for 'HR Happy Hour' to subscribe and never miss a show.

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