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    WEBINAR: The Business Value of Employee Wellbeing

    Quick announcement and an invitation to join me at my friends from Virgin Pulse next Wednesday, September 6 at 2PM ET for a FREE webinar on The Business Value of Employee Wellbeing.

    This is an incredibly interesting topic, one that I have written about previously at HR Executive and about which Trish McFarlane and I did a recent HR Happy Hour Podcast on.

    Details for next weeks' webinar are here:

    Employees today are working more hours, taking less time off, more stressed, exercising less and falling short of reaching their potential – at work and at home. Successful HR and benefits leaders are smarter and more thoughtful about how wellbeing programs have an impact in driving desired people and business outcomes.

    Join "The Business Value of Employee Wellbeing" with Steve Boese (that's me), long-time HR industry influencer and co-founder of H3HR Advisors. Steve will share his unique perspectives from having served in product development, enterprise HR and benefits system management, as an industry analyst, and now a popular industry voice and thought leader. Andrew Jacobus, Vice President of Insights and Data Science at the Virgin Pulse Institute, will share real-life examples of organizations achieving improvements to their bottom line due to the effectiveness of their employee wellbeing programs.

    On the webinar you will hear:

    What key elements of wellbeing programs drive business results

    Which metrics illustrate employee wellbeing’s impact on productivity, performance, and revenue

    How to drive engagement through social connections and a personalized experience

    And more...

    It should be a fun an interesting session and I hope you can join.

    Register for the webinar here.

    Hope to see you then!

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    mobile phone price in bangladesh

    September 1, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterfeelprice

    thanks for the post.

    January 16, 2020 | Unregistered Commenterkevin

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