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    « PODCAST: HR Happy Hour 417 - Fertility Benefits in the Workplace | Main | PODCAST: HR Happy Hour 415 - Addressing Coronavirus in the Workplace »

    PODCAST: HR Happy Hour 416 - HR Happy Hour LIVE: What Matters Now for HR Leaders

    HR Happy Hour 416 - HR Happy Hour LIVE: What Matters Now for HR Leaders

    Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

    Special Guest Host: Bill Hicks, Ultimate Software

    Listen HERE

    This week in a special HR Happy Hour Show recorded live at Ultimate Software Connections 2020 and in front of live audience of CHROs and Senior HR leaders, Trish and Steve were joined by Bill Hicks from Ultimate Software to talk about some of the most pressing, challenging, and compelling issues in HR and in the workplace.

    We touched a wide range of topics in the conversation - dealing with the current Coronavirus situation and what that means for work and employees, what are some of the more interesting and upcoming developments for HR and HR Tech, and also the upcoming merger of Kronos and Ultimate Software and how HR leaders can make sure to protect their own interests when their HR tech providers are undergoing significant change.

    Additionally, we talked about how to re-name a newly merged company, how the continued growth in the labor market drives investment and innovation in HR technology, employee reskilling, AI, employee wellbeing, and lots more.

    Listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

    This was a fun show, thanks so much to Bill Hicks and everyone at Ultimate Software for hosting us and for a great event.

    Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts. And learn more at www.hrhappyhour.net.

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