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PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 263 - Introducing HR Market Watch

A few weeks back Trish McFarlane and I shared the exciting news of the launch of the HR Happy Hour Podcast Network, and shared the details on the first three new podcast titles joining the HR Happy Hour family. Two of the new podcasts, Research on the Rocks, with hosts Madeline Laurano and Mollie Lombardi, and We're Only Human, with host Ben Eubanks made their successful debuts on the network earlier this summer, and Trish and I can't be more pleased with how well both those shows have been received by the HR Happy Hour listeners.

Today I am really excited to share the debut episode of the third new podcast title on the HR Happy Hour Network, HR Market Watch, with host George LaRocque, industry analyst and founder of #HRWINS.

On HR Market Watch, George will focus on the HR Technology landscape, with a focus on new and emerging technologies from both startups and established solution providers, and share his and his guest's insights as to how these technology innovations can help you and your organization today.

On the first HR Market Watch show, George interviews Jamie True, CEO of LifeWorks, recently selected as 'The Next Great HR Technology Company' by attendees of the HR Technology Conference.

Details for this first show are below, and we can't be more excited to welcome George to the HR Happy Hour family!

HR Happy Hour 263 - Introducing HR Market Watch

Host: George LaRocque

Guest: Jamie True, CEO, LifeWorks

The HR Happy Hour Network is thrilled to welcome 'HR Market Watch' and host George LaRocque to the HR Happy Hour family of podcasts.

HR Market Watch puts a special lens on new and innovative HR technology from emerging and established technology companies. Join George LaRocque, Principal Analyst and Founder of the #HRWINS, in this episode and meet CEO Jamie True of LifeWorks, the firm that audience members at the recent HR Technology Conference selected as 'The Next Great HR Technology Company'.

Also, get George's top 5 take-aways from HR Tech, and more!

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or by using the widget player below, (Email and RSS subscribers click through)

This was a fun and interesting show, thanks and welcome to George for being a part of the HR Happy Hour family!  

Be sure to subscribe to 'HR Market Watch' and all the HR Happy Hour Network podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or your favorite podcast player app. Just search for 'HR Happy Hour' to subscribe and never miss a show.

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