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    PODCAST: HR Happy Hour 361 - Insights on Moving HR Systems to the Cloud

    HR Happy Hour 361 - Insights on Moving HR Systems to the Cloud

    Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane

    Guest: Nickoria Johnson, Alliance Data Systems

    Listen to the show here

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish were joined by Nickoria Johnson from Alliance Data Systems to learn more about their journey to migrate their HR systems to the cloud and what other organizations can learn from their journey.

    Alliance is a lot alike many other organizations, they had a wide variety of HR and talent systems in place, a history of building custom solutions to meet very specific business needs, but also with the need to update and modernize the solutions that were needed to effectively manage business operations and provide a great expererience for their employees.

    Nickoria shared how Alliance made the transition to the Cloud, the key considerations along the way, and the positive results and outcomes the organization has seen since the transition to the Cloud has been completed.

    You can listen to the show on the show page here, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

    This was a really interesting and informative show, thanks Nickoria for joining us.

    Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.

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    Now we will evaluate some of the advantages of shifting payroll and HR systems to the cloud. Cloud HR transformation refers to the process of moving HR systems.

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    June 2, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterDenny

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