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    Entries in HR Happy Hour (350)


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 171 - Workforce Reputation Management

    HR Happy Hour 171 - Workforce Reputation Management

    Recorded Friday August 23, 2013

    This week on the HR Happy Hour ShowSteve Boese and Trish McFarlane sat down with Mark BennettProduct Strategy Director for Oracle Social HCM Cloud, Fusion Profile Management, and Workforce Reputation Managementfor an interesting and informative conversation about how concepts like influence, reputation, and social connectedness between and among employees can help organizations better understand the capability of their workforces and help individuals better manage their careers.

    On the open web, the ideas of influence and reputation are not new, services like Klout and Kred have been attempting to understand, quantify, and provide insights as to who might be influential and in what areas do people have strong reputations. Taking these ideas and applying them inside organizations, and thinking more deeply about how people's interactions with one another, how they are evaluated by their peers, and what artifacts of their work reveal about their reputation and influence represent some of the most cutting-edge thinking about workplaces today.

    Mark is a long time friend and really interesting guy, and I think you will find the discussions challenging and interesting at the same time. And I encourage you to think about your own workplaces and how some of these ideas might help you in your HR and Talent challenges.

    You can listen to the show on the show page here, on iTunes, (just search in the podcasts section for 'HR HappyHour'), and using the widget player below, (email and RSS subscribers will need to click through). 



    It is a really informative and 'deep thoughts' kind of conversation that sheds some light on what new ideas and technolgies promise to deliver to workplaces in the very near future.

    Thanks to Mark for taking the time to share his insights!


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 170 - Driving Performance with Technology

    HR Happy Hour 170 - Driving Performance with Technology

    Recorded Thursday August 15, 2013

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve Boese sat down with Tom Porter, Director of Human Resources and Administration, Kawasaki Motors Corporation, U.S.A, and David Ludlow, Global Vice President of Product Marketing, HCM Solutions for SAP and SuccessFactors for an interesting and informative conversation about how HR Technology can help transform organizational performance, and impact and change the actual culture of the organization as well.

    At Kawasaki, Tom led an ambitious project to drive consistent performance management, goal setting and alignment, and more broadly - to get the organization much more focused on demonstrable and measurable performance measures.

    Tom shares some of the project drivers, the organizational imperatives, and perhaps most importantly some of the lessons learned and critical success criteria that need to be in place for any HR Technology projects to truly deliver on their promises.

    You can listen to the show on the show page here, on iTunes, (just search in the podcasts section for 'HR HappyHour'), and using the widget player below, (email and RSS subscribers will need to click through).


    I won't spoil it for you, but rest assured that openness, transparency, and true partnerships between customer and supplier are key, and both Tom and David offer some excellent pieces of advice for any organization on the path towards technology implementation and transformation.

    It is a really informative and 'front lines' kind of conversation that sheds some light on an organization that has done and continues to do what many others only aspire towards.

    Thanks to both Tom and David for taking the time to share their insights!


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 169 - The Crowdsourced Performance Review

    HR Happy Hour 169 - 'The Crowdsourced Performance Review'

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, hosts Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane welcomed Eric Mosley, who co­founded Globoforce in 1999 with the goal of reinventing the employee recognition industry for the global, multicultural, multigenerational organizations of the 21st century.

    As CEO he has led Globoforce to its place as a leading provider of social recognition solutions, redefining how companies understand, manage, and motivate employees. 

    Eric is also the author of the recent book, The Crowdsourced Performance Review, a resource for HR and Business leaders that want to transform their traditional, annual, and ineffective performance management processes to a more enlightened, modern, social, and collaborative way of engaging the organization, and improving outcomes.

    We talked with Eric about how the traditional process for performance management is outdated and almost universally hated, how modern technologies like social networking and mobile access are impacting modern employee needs and expectations, and how thinking about performance management as an ongoing, real-time, and in the moment process can help organizations make the leap from the 'old' way of managing performance to something much better.

    We also (of course) reminded folks to make sure you make plans now to attend the upcoming HRevolution event taking place in Las Vegas on October 6, 2013, and the HR Technology Conference immediately after, on October 7-9, 2013.

    You can listen to the show on the show page here, using the widget player below:


    Thanks to Eric for the time and the insight about performance management can and should change for the better - enabled by techology, and supported by the wisdom of peers, colleagues, and even customers and partners to create a better and more impactful process.

    It was a really fun and interesting show and I hope you check it out.  

    And, and you can register for HRevolution 2013 here: Eventbrite - HRevolution Vegas 2013



    VIDEO: Innovating loneliness

    A couple of years back now the HR Happy Hour Show welcomed Sherry Turkle from MIT, and author of Alone Together: Why We eExpect More From Technology and Less From Each Other, an examination of how the rise of social networks, more powerful and connected personal technology, and how these advances are changing our real world interactions.

    It was then and probably still is one of my Top 5 all time favorite conversations that we've ever done in 168 shows to date. If you are at all interested in the topics of social networking, the dangers of being always connected to our devices, and even, (one of my favorite topics) the continuing emergence of increasingly sophisticated artificial and robot technologies into everyday life, then I encourage you to check out the replay of the show here.

    What made me think about that show was reading about and watching the video embedded below, (Email and RSS subscribers will have to click through), called The Innovation of Loneliness by Shimi Cohen.

    In the video, Cohen hits on some familiar concepts - Dunbar's Number, the inability to truly be 'alone' in our always-connected world, the endless amount of personal branding and promotion going on, and the curious rise in the incidence of loneliness despite the technological advances that connect us.

    Favorite line from the video - 'We're collecting friends like stamps'.

    I don't have a bigger point or lesson to try to share here, except that even three years on from that old Happy Hour Show with Professor Turkle I am not sure all that much has changed - and if anything the issues raised in Alone Together have not gone away at all - and in fact have become even more prevalent.

    The book, the podcast from 2011, even the short video by Cohen are all worth a re-visit I think, as well as another examination in how we relate to each other and the world around us when we are constantly connected, shaping a stylized image of ourselves, and parceling out time to actually talk to other human beings in tiny bits - afraid about what we might be missing elsewhere in the world if we have to focus our attention on just one other person.


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 168 - On Early Adoption and #HRevolution

    HR Happy Hour 168 - 'HR,  Early Adoption and #HRevolution 2013'

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, hosts Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane welcomed China Gorman, Founder and CEO of the CMG Group, and for more than 25 years, a strategic business leader in in human resources professional services organizations. China is a sought-after speaker, writer and thought leader in the broad human resources marketplace.

    We talked with China about one of her favorite topics - the early adoption of new or innovative technologies in Human Resources.  It turns out that early adoption is one of Trish's favorite topics too - as an HR leader herself she has driven the decision processes and implementations of many of the kinds of HR technologies that are emerging in the market today.

    We also previewed the upcoming HRevolution event taking place in Las Vegas on October 6, 2013, and where you can see China leading a session on Early Adoption of Technology in HR.

    You can listen to the show on the show page here, using the widget player below, and as always on iTunes - just do a search in the podcasts section for 'HR Happy Hour'.


    Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on BlogTalkRadio


    We all know how fast moving and ever changing the landscape is for HR Technology, and whether or not your shop is ready for and can make the best use of any new tech tool is one of the most important questions you have to answer as an HR/Talent pro. China and Trish both shared lots of great ideas and approaches that have worked for them in the past and that will be of help to everyone finding themselves struggling with HR and technology.

    I mostly listened and tried to learn something!

    Thanks to China for the time and the insight about the role of early adoption of technology to empower and improve HR processes, and more importantly, organizational results.

    It was a really fun and interesting show and I hope you check it out.  

    And if you do, my apologies in advance to the nation of Canada.

    And, and you can register for HRevolution 2013 here: Eventbrite - HRevolution Vegas 2013

    Have a great weekend!