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    Entries in wellness (18)


    PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 357 - Employee Financial Wellness and How Employers Can Help

    HR Happy Hour 357 - Employee Financial Wellness and How Employers Can Help

    Host: Steve Boese

    Guest: Jamie Kalamarides, President, Prudential Group Insurance

    Listen HERE

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve was joined by Jamie Kalamarides, President of Prudential Group Insurance to discuss the increasingly important topic of employee financial wellness, and what employers can do to help their employees with these challenges.

    On the show, Jamie shared the most common life events that can lead to employee financial stress or financial insecurity, offered recommendations and tips for employees to reduce financial stress, and talked about some programs and opportunities that employers can offer their employees to help and support them. 

    You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

    The recent US government shutdown brought the issue of financial insecurity to the forefront, and was an important reminder that a large percentge of the workforce is only one or two missed paychecks or an unforeseen financial emergency away from severe challenges in their lives - which has a follow-on impact at work.

    Thanks to Jamie for coming on the show to share his insights. Learn more about Prudential's programs at https://www.prudential.com/employers/financial-wellness.

    Find the Prosperity Now scorecard at https://prosperitynow.org/


    1. Employer matches are not permitted for “after-tax” 401(k) contributions, only for pre-tax and Roth contributions.

    2. 401(k) contribution limits for 2019 have increased to $19,000 for before-tax and Roth contributions. Contribution limits across pre-tax, after-tax and Roth increased to $56,000 in 2019.

    Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.


    Job Titles of the Future: Director of Mental Health and Wellness

    While there definitely has been increased focus on wellness and wellbeing in the workplace in the last 10 or so years, most of that focus has been on the physical dimension of wellness - with programs and tools designed to help employees get more physically active, to quit smoking, to get a handle on better ways to manage long-term and (often) preventable health risks. But less attention (it seems to me anyway), has been paid to other aspects of wellness/wellbeing - and in particular, mental health. And mental health, and how employee mental health impacts people and the organization is a huge deal. I mean huge.

    How huge?

    According to some data from the Depression Center from the University of Michigan:

    Depressive illnesses, including major depression and bipolar disorder, are highly prevalent in the United States, affecting nearly one in five adults at some point in their life. These conditions are also among the top five causes of disability globally, and depression ranks as the #1 contributor to disability in the U.S. and Canada. An estimated 6.7% of adults in the U.S. had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. Depression is one of the most costly health conditions for American employers. The annual cost of depression in the U.S. is estimated at $210.5 billion, with approximately 45% attributable to direct costs, 5% to suicide-related costs, and 50% to workplace costs. A majority of these workplace costs are due to lost productivity in the workplace from both absenteeism (missed days of work) and "presenteeism" (reduced productivity at work). Presenteeism represents nearly 75% of workplace costs and 37% of the overall economic burden of depression.

    And that is just one set of data points from one source on the significant impact the mental health challenges and depression in particular makes on organizations, not to mention the personal and family impact depression has on people, families, and communities.

    So it makes sense that organizations are and should be addressing mental health and depression as just as important a dimension of employee wellness with as much focus as they have with physical wellness. And at least one organization, maybe one you wouldn't think would 'have' to worry about the mental health of its workforce is doing just that.

    The organization is the National Basketball Association, (don't worry, this is not turning into a 'sports' post). From a recent piece on the NBA.com site:

    Kevin Love and DeMar DeRozan -- two All-Stars -- who became the latest NBA players to detail their public battles with mental wellness. Love wrote a first-person account last week in The Players’ Tribune of the panic attack he suffered earlier this season. DeRozan spoke last month of the depression he’s dealing with during what may be his most successful NBA season.

    Their disclosures came as the NBA and the National Basketball Players Association are close to naming a Director of Mental Health and Wellness, who will run an independent mental wellness program that is being jointly funded by the league and union.

    It might seem surprising that NBA players - generally young, wealthy, successful, admired, and in great physical health would be affected by mental health issues, panic attacks, and depression. But the fact that we can have that kind of a reaction - 'Gee, what do these guys have to be depressed about?', reminds us that it is too easy to fail to take mental health issues seriously, or to want to treat them as not real issues for employees because we can't 'see' them.

    And I am pretty sure that is going to change, or it will have to change, as these issues become more common in the US and by extension, in the workplace. The National Institute of Health’s National Institute of Mental Health estimates that, in 2016, more than 44 million Americans suffered from some form of mental illness, ranging from mild to moderate to severe, and impacting more than 18 percent of all U.S. adults.

    As an NBA fan, I like that the league is doing more to actively recognize, address, support and mostly not to hide from the mental health challenges that players are facing - even if we think these don't or shouldn't exist, the accounts of Love, DeRozan, and others show us the problems are real. And with the data showing that mental health issues and illnesses growing at a consistent rate, it makes sense for organizations to think about today's Job Title of the Future - Director of Mental Health and Wellness. Maybe you should too.

    Have a great weekend!


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 287 - The Business Value of Employee Wellbeing

    HR Happy Hour 287 - The Business Value of Employee Wellbeing

    Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

    Guest: Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Chief Medical Officer, Virgin Pulse

    Listen HERE

    This week on the HR Happy Hour show, Steve and Trish are live at the Virgin Pulse Thrive Summit and are joined by Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Chief Medical Officer of Virgin Pulse to talk about employee experience, wellbeing, and the business value of investing in employee wellbeing.

    Virgin Pulse has now become the leading provider of employee wellbeing solutions, and their commitment to the overall employee experience, the central role that employee wellbeing plays in shaping that experience is evidenced by their approach to creating engaging solutions that focus on the employee and their health.

    Rajiv shared his thoughts on how wellbeing initiatives not only drive benefits like increased retention, decreased absenteeism, and reduced employer health care costs, but also have been shown to lead to positive business outcomes - sales, productivity, market capitalization and more. He also offered some ideas to help HR and business leaders make the business case for investing in employee wellbeing programs.

    You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or by using the widget player below, or on your favorite podcast app.

    Treat your employees right and they will treat your customers right - that idea is at the core of what Virgin Pulse is all about.

    This was a fun show and many thanks to Virgin Pulse for having us at Thrive, and for supporting the HR Happy Hour Show.

    Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts - just search for 'HR Happy Hour'.


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 252 - Employee Wellbeing with Chris Boyce, CEO, Virgin Pulse

    HR Happy Hour 252 - Employee Wellbeing with Chris Boyce, CEO Virgin Pulse

    Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane

    Guest: Chris Boyce, CEO, Virgin Pulse

    Listen to the show HERE

    This week on the show, Trish and Steve were joined by Chris Boyce, CEO of Virgin Pulse, a provider of market-leading, technology-based products and services that help employers improve workforce health, boost employee engagement, and enhance corporate culture.

    Chris shared some insights on how HR and business leaders can evaluate and assess wellbeing and workforce health initiatives using data and analytics, and how it is important to consider measures of success beyond employer benefit costs and health care claims or participation. The most successful wellbeing programs use data to inform changes in productivity, engagement, safety, and organizational culture. There isn't a single measure for ROI on these programs, employers have to think about their unique and specific challenges to find the measures that will most impact their organizations. Chris also shared some important information around employee data privacy and how Virgin Pulse and their client organizations keep employee data private and secure, while still allowing organizational leaders to use aggregate and anonymized data to inform decision making.

    Additionally, Chris shared his thoughts on why employee and organizational wellbeing has become a more global, and holistic phenomenon, and what that means for HR and business leaders in their efforts to find, attract, develop,and retain the talent they need to meet their organizational objectives.

    You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or by using the widget player below:


    This was a fun and interesting show, many thanks to Chris Boyce and Virgin Pulse for coming on. You can learn more about Virgin Pulse at www.virginpulse.com.

    Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or your favorite podcast app, just search for 'HR Happy Hour' to subscribe and never mess an episode.


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 242 - Big Ideas for Employee Benefits in 2016

    HR Happy Hour 242 - Big Ideas for Employee Benefits in 2016

    Recorded Wednesday March 30, 2016 at the Health & Benefits Leadership Conference

    Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

    Guest: Nate Randall, President and Founder, Ursa Major Consulting

    Listen to the show HERE

    This week on the show Steve sat down at the Health & Benefits Leadership Conference with Nate Randall, President & Founder at Ursa Major Consulting to talk about three big ideas and trends in employee benefits that Nate is seeing as he works with organizations around the country. 

    Nate shared some ideas around managing benefits in a global and distributed environment, and the challenges that can present. We also talked a little about use of Private Exchanges for employee benefit coverage, and some considerations that employers should take into account when evaluating this model. Finally, we spent some time discussing the new trend of employers offering Financial Wellness programs for their employees, and some important factors employers need to consider before deploying these kind of programs.

    Nate also shared some insights from one of his former roles at Tesla Motors, and the challenges they faced in scaling up the organization from under 1,000 employees to over 13,000 in a very short time.

    You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or using the widget player below:

    This was an interesting and informative show with one the the industry's leading experts and thinkers on employee benefits - we hope you will check it out.

    Reminder - you can subscribe to the show on iTunes and all the podcast player apps for iOS and Android - just search for 'HR Happy Hour' to subscribe and never miss a show.