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Entries in diversity (17)


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 363 - Business Transformation and Diversity & Inclusion 

HR Happy Hour 363 - Business Transformation and Diversity & Inclusion 

Host: Steve Boese

Guest: Melissa Whiting, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion, Philip Morris International

Listen HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve was joined by Melissa Whiting, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion, Philip Morris International to talk about the major business transformation happening at the global organization with over 75,000 employees, how PMI's Diversity & Inclusion efforts are contributing to the success of these transformation efforts, and how the D&I role has to be emphasized and valued at organizations of any size.

Melissa also shared how PMI has become the first large, global organization to achieve the Global Equal Salary certification - and how that illustrates the company's commitment to fairness and equality in the workplace. She shared what this certification entails, the rigorous and independent nature of the review process, and the value of achieving the certification for the organization and its employees.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

This was an interesting and engaging conversation on diversity and inclusion from one of the world's largest and well-known organizations. Thanks very much to Melissa for joining us. Learn more about PMI's 'Project 42' that we talked about on the show HERE.

Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts - just search for 'HR Happy Hour'.


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 358 - HR Technology for Diversity & Inclusion

HR Happy Hour 358 - HR Technology for Diversity & Inclusion

Host: Steve Boese

Guests: Stacia Sherman Garr, RedThread Research; Carole Jackson, Mercer

Listen HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve was joined by Stacia Sherman Garr of RedThread Research and Carole Jackson of Mercer to share their insights on the HR technology market and ecosystem for solutions and capabilities that support organizational Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

Their recent report, Diversity & Inclusion Technology: The Rise of a Transformative Market is the first deep dive into how HR technology solutions are developing and evolving to help support programs linked to making organizations more diverse and inclusive. From talent acquisition, to development and learning, to employee engagement and retention, and to reporting and analytics - D&I programs are increasingly reaching more HR and talent processes, and a wide-ranging set of HR technologies is emerging to help HR leaders meet their objectives.

Stacia and Carole shared key findings from their research, talked about the HR tech landscape for D&I tech, and offered advice for HR and business leaders who are thinking about these solutions for the first time.

This was a really interesting show - thanks to Stacia and Carole for joining us.

Here's the HR Happy Hour Show with GoodHire that Steve mentioned on the show.

Download Diversity & Inclusion Technology: The Rise of a Transformative Market here.

Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 315 - Breaking Through with Diversity & Inclusion

HR Happy Hour 315 - Breaking Through with Diversity & Inclusion

Sponsored by Virgin Pulse - www.virginpulse.com.

Host: Steve Boese

Guests: Cecile Alper-Leroux, Dr. Jarik Conrad - Ultimate Software

Recorded Live at Ultimate Connections 2018

Listen to the show HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve is joined by Cecile Alper-Leroux and Dr. Jarik Conrad from Ultimate Software to talk about the challenges organizations are facing with Diversity & Inclusion initiatives and the keys for organizations who want to improve and make progress in these areas. Cecile and Jarik talked about the definitions of diversity and inclusion, the importance of appreciation and acceptance at work of all people from all backgrounds, and what people want from work in the modern era.

One of the interesting points discusses in the show was the idea that organizations can't jump right from awareness of these issues into solutions - there is an important stage of preparation or 'readiness' that has to be addressed in organizations and especially with leaders and managers before solutions can be developed and implemented. So 'readiness' is the pre-condition before action.

We also discussed some of the research around the business benefits of Diversity & Inclusion initiatives, and why these benefits do not necessarily resonate equally in all contexts. Finally, we talked about how, where, and when in the HR/Talent lifecycle in organizations that bias, sometimes unconscious bias, can be introduced and how some of the modern HCM technology solutions are helping organizations detect and try to minimize and eliminate these biases.

Finally, Cecile shared her recent mountaineering adventure and Steve and Jarik bonded over baldness.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

Thanks to Cecile, Jarik and the team at Ultimate for having us at the event.

Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour wherever you get your podcasts - just search for 'HR Happy Hour'.


Are HR's diversity and inclusion strategies proprietary information?

Companies suing each other after an employee leaves one company to join another, especially when the companies are competitors, over the details in the employee's non-compete agreement is not all that uncommon. Particularly in the tech industry when many rival companies are chasing many of the same kinds of tech-driven breakthrough projects like AI, self-driving vehicles, robotics, and more - the loss of a key employee or two to a rival can have significant competitive consequences and impact.

A debate can be had whether or not the entire idea of employee non-compete agreements are beneficial or necessary (or enforceable), but for the purposes of what I wanted to call to your attention today, let's all accept that for the moment such agreements do exist, and from time to time, are actively enforced by companies trying to protect their IP from escaping to a competitor, (along with the employee).

The story I wanted to highlight is about a big tech company fight over an employee non-compete, but not one of the ones we expect - surrounding some star engineer working on the latest VR or AI tech - it centers around HR, more specifically, around a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer heading to Microsoft from IBM.

Here are some details and context from coverage in Business Insider - Microsoft just hired a chief diversity officer - and IBM is suing them over it:

Tech companies have a less than stellar record hiring women and minorities. But these companies will apparently do whatever it takes — including launching a legal fight — to hire one type of person: a Chief Diversity Officer.

IBM is suing Microsoft for poaching its top diversity officer, Lindsay-Rae McIntyre in a case that could prove just how important diversity, recruitment, and retention has become for tech companies.

McIntyre, who joined IBM in 2006, was named chief diversity officer of Microsoft on Sunday, after serving in the same role and as VP of human resources at IBM. IBM, in its complaint, argues that McIntyre had access to diversity data, strategies, methodologies and initiatives that are confidential, and that she "will use, rely on or divulge" these strategies in her new role.

On Monday, IBM was granted a temporary restraining order in New York federal court, which prevents McIntyre from working for Microsoft until the court decides otherwise.

"McIntyre was at the center of highly confidential and competitively sensitive information that has fueled IBM's success in these areas," a representative for IBM said in a statement. "While we understand Microsoft's need to deal with mounting criticism of its record on diversity, IBM intends to fully enforce Ms. McIntyre's non-compete agreement to protect our competitive information."

A really interesting case it seems to me. I admit to not following the ebbs and flows and latest cases in employment law all that closely, but I do follow lots of news and I don't recall seeing a major non-compete case with this kind of profile that focuses specifically on an HR executive, and perhaps more interestingly, on specific human capital management strategies. Whatever specific policies, programs, maybe even some technology applications too that IBM, under Ms. McIntyre's leadership were employing to improve diversity, IBM is contending that these combined represent IP that is not just company confidential, but also represents relevant and demonstrable competitive advantage.

It probably matters that IBM and Microsoft are highly likely to be competing for many of the same kinds of talented people across a wide spectrum of roles. And it also probably matters that (as I have pointed out on the blog for a couple of years on the CHART OF THE DAY series), that labor markets in general are really tight, and for certain 'hard-to-find' roles are incredibly tight. Recruiting and retention ratchets up the CEO's list of priorities when the people the company needs are in high demand and when your competitors are willing to go really far to beat you in the talent game - whether recruiting new grads or poaching your top execs - like Ms. McIntyre.

The diversity angle here is interesting and timely,  and probably contributed to why this was a story coverred in the general tech press. But what would be more interesting to me is to see a major non-compete battle be launched over say a CHRO or a VP of Talent, or even a Global Leader of Talent Acquisition. I'd like to see a major, Fortune 50 or so company go to battle over an HR/TA leader, contending that their particular insights, and their specific talent strategies are so important, in fact just as important as the knowledge of the latest AI hotshot, that the company is willing to battle in court to keep that HR knowledge in-house.

This is a really intriguing case, I will keep an eye on it for sure. It would be interesting and validating too, if IBM wins in this case, and HR programs and strategies are shown to be true (at least in the court's view), completive advantage. And it would be pretty cool for HR to have some more over the top recruiting and retention fights go on over HR people for once.

Have a great day!


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 307 - The Benefits of Hiring Disabled Candidates

HR Happy Hour 307 - The Benefits of Hiring Disabled Candidates

Host: Steve Boese

Guest : Dan Peltz

Listen to the show HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve is joined by Dan Peltz, Founder and Director of Shift NJ - an organization that helps candidates of all ability levels to connect with employers and find meaningful work. 

Shift New Jersey was created to empower individuals. Dan and the team individuals of all ability levels maximize their potential through employment, skills training, counseling, and case management. They assist adults in preparing for college, employment, and independent living by helping them develop the vision, mindset, action steps, skills, and experience necessary to become successful.

On the show, Dan described how Shift NJ works with candidates and employers to find employment opportunities, help build skills and capabilities of candidates that may have some challenges in finding positions, and how they support both the individuals and the organizations to make these programs and placements work for everyone.

Additionally, Dan shared examples of how large employers like Amazon are working with agencies like Shift NJ to place more candidates into open roles, and how they are proactively seeking to expand their candidate pools.

Finally, Dan shared how HR leaders in any location can get started with these programs and how they benefit the organization and community overall.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, or by using the widget player below:

This was an interesting and important show - thanks to Dan for joining us. Learn more at the Shift NJ site here.

Thanks to show sponsor Virgin Pulse - learn more at www.virginpulse.com.

Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, or wherever you get your podcasts.